Travel theme: Bridges

This week’s travel theme was about bridges.  Now, I could have grabbed a few pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge or even the Bay Bridge here in San Francisco.  I could have grabbed one of the many bridges in Chicago that crisscross the Chicago River. Instead, I chose a bridge that is located in one of the most beautiful places in the world according to me- Sleeping Bear Dunes, in Glen Arbor, Michigan.

There is something so special about going “Up North” for the weekend. As a child, I would spend the weekends playing with the other “cabin kids” from sun-up to sun-down. We would swim, bike, hike, and cook hot dogs over a bonfire.  It was non-stop action all weekend long, and I remember being so upset every Sunday when I had to say goodbye to my summer friends for the week.

Now as an adult, I went “Up North” to dull the noises of adult life. From sitting on a quiet dock reading that really great book, to chatting fireside with a glass of locally made wine,  or even getting married in Traverse City, this area has been a blessing for us as a couple and best friends.

If you ever get the chance to visit Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, please take the time and do the driving tour of  Pierce Stocking Drive.  Along your drive, you will see sweeping views of Lake Michigan, stunning sand dunes, and maybe a covered bridge.

So here is my bridge for this week’s travel theme.

Pierce Stocking Drive

Pierce Stocking Drive

Travel Theme: Mountains

So I spotted a picture of a beautiful mountain on one blog, and it brought me to another blog about  Travel Themes.  I loved the idea of a travel theme, so I had to participate.  Here is my contribution.

Now please remember I am a Midwestern girl; so anything larger than an anthill is a mountain to me.

This was taken in November 2010 at Stags Leap Wine Cellar.


Love comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ways. Be open to it always.

The Daily Post

A few weeks ago, Sara published a Weekly Photo Challenge on love, and this week, I siftedthrough and selected some submissions to share for Valentine’s Day. I know some of us don’t celebrate this day, or find such holidays rather cheesy, but I was intrigued by the different perspectives and takes on love and enjoyed your interpretations of this theme, from the traditional to the abstract.

For many of you, love was not of the romantic nature, but rather the connection between parent and child, or the bond between animals, or the smiles of strangers. For the blogger at Fine Things, love is revealed in the imagination of her son; and for the photographer PJ Charles, love is felt in the presence of his mother, in her first year being cancer-free.

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Sugarloaf Open Space Walnut Creek

I went for a quick hike recently at Sugarloaf Open Space in Walnut Creek.  This is a great spot just outside of the downtown area.  While I will say the space is not very large, it was still nice to get outside and move around.  The hills were a bit steep in some areas, so bring a walking stick or make sure to take a break along the way. And it was a bit muddy when I was there, so bring your hiking shoes or a pair of old trainers.

I will also say there was a nice picnic table area and a few benches situated along the trails. Great for a light lunch or a quick snack. Also bring your camera along! Great views of Mt. Diablo off to the East.

And one quick picture from my visit. This spot made me long for a journal to write in, a good book to read, and possible a good glass of wine to watch the sunset.